Arya Rose, One Year Old

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Our sweet little girl turned one on August 5th! She is 22 pounds and 31.5″ tall. We have officially met our ultimate goal of breastfeeding for a full year! She’s showing no signs of weaning yet and that’s perfectly okay with me. Some really big things have happened since the last Arya update: she has now learned to walk! She took off with this new skill on her birthday. Brayden is not amused by the fact she’s getting closer to being able to keep up with him.

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Chasing Brayden around.

Being worn in our woven wrap.

Music with a great dance beat.

Chicken, most vegetables and all fruits we’ve offered her.


Being the center of attention.

Arya love when Brayden laughs.

Poking people and trying to pick their nose.

Hanging out in just her diaper.


Showers and baths (or anything else to do with being in water).

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When her bubba (Brayden) is really upset.


Being away from mom (though this is getting easier).

Getting into her carseat (she’s just fine once she’s buckled).

Diaper changes.

Being left out when someone is showering.

Getting told no.


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Arya Rose, Eleven Months Old


At 11 months old Arya now weighs 23 pounds, she is 30 inches tall, and trying to walk! She’s getting into everything now and she can actually keep up with Brayden! She greets Travis at the door when he gets home from work and she begs for our food anytime we eat (even if she has her own serving)! Her favorite foods are chicken (cooked any way), macaroni and cheese, broccoli, green beans, yogurt, strawberries, and grapes.


Chasing Brayden around the new apartment

“Talking” to us and yelling at Brayden

“Playing” Diablo and WoW when she’s in our laps

Lindsey Stirling’s wonderful music


Dumping the clean diapers all over the floor

Tearing paper


Sitting still

Super hot days

Brayden stealing what she’s playing with


Happy Friday!

It’s Friday! I thought it’d be fun to do a flashback post.

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This picture was taken almost exactly two years ago. This was the first time we let Brayden and Pepper this close each other. Little man was a month old.


Brayden has always been a total ham for the camera!


I can’t believe that my little squishy Arya is going to be one in a month and a half! She was four weeks old the first time we took her swimming. She fell asleep while drying off.


At one point Brayden and Arya looked so different from each other! They’re starting to look a little more alike again. It’s always fun seeing the similarities and differences that siblings have to offer in both looks and behavior.


And for fun, my high school graduation. It’s been five years since this happened. I can’t believe it’s been that long already!

Arya, 10 Months Old

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At ten months old Arya is crawling, babbling, and trying to walk! She gets into everything. She’s constantly chasing Brayden around the house and ‘barking’ (high pitched yelling really) at him. She gets mad when she can’t keep up with him. She is still currently nursing as well as doing really well with baby led weaning!

29.5” tall

18.25” head circumference

21.5 pounds

18 month or 24 month clothing (depends on the brand)




Water (drinking it and playing in it)

Shiny objects

Phones/tablets (she’s a little ninja)

Being worn in a woven wrap

The wind

Green beans

Yogurt puffs




Basically any food you hand her!


Being too hot

The sun in her face while in the car

Being removed from the kitchen or bathroom

Waking up early


When you don’t share your food with her

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